Total Medals Earned: 525 (From 98 different games.) Total Medal Score: 7,580 Points
Medals Earned: 7/63 (40/355 points)
Won the Edd plush
Won the Hank plush
Killed 50 people in Hominid Homicide
Killed 50 Zombies in Madness Zombie Survival
Got a score of at least 10 in the FnF minigame!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Won the Alien Hominid plush
Won the Barbarian Boss plush
Won the Beefy Bear plush
Won the Beefy Villager plush
Won the Bitey Bat plush
Won the Cat Guard plush
Won the Chris Plushy
Won the Chutney plushy!
Won the Cyclops plush
Won the Giraffey plush
Won the Hatty Hattington plush
Killed 100 people in Hominid Homicide
Survived 5 Minutes!
Won the Leo Plush!
Killed 500 enemies in Madness Arena!
Unlock the Katana in Madness Arena!
Unlocked the RPG in Madness Arena
Unlocked the shotgun in Madness Arena
Survived for 10 minutes!
Unlocked the uzi in Madness Arena
Killed 100 Zombies in Madness Zombie Survival
Won the Matt plush
Won the Monkeyface plush
Won the Pazzo plush
Won the Pico plush
Won the Pipistrello plush
Won the Pbot plushy!
Won the Rammy plush
Won the Red Knight plush
Won the Salad Fingers plush
Won the Satan plushy
Won the Scratchpaw plush
Won the Tank Man plush
Won the Behemoth Chicken plush
Won the Tom plush
Won the Tricky plush
Won the Yeti plush
Won the Zach plushy!
Unlocked the Minigun in Madness Arena!
Killed 200 zombies in Madness Zombie Survival!
Survived 5 Minutes
You won all of the plushies from the claw machine!
Medals Earned: 3/25 (15/485 points)
Play 360 Degrees.
Finish with more than 5k points.
Finish with more than 20k points.
Collect SKATE.
Collect COMBO.
Knock over all 10 garbage cans.
Squash all 5 birds.
Overload the water system.
Find the Secret Tape
Flip 3 times in the air.
Survive a whole minute after the timer ends.
Finish with more than 75k points.
Finish with more than 125k points.
Finish with more than 300k points.
Finish with more than 500k points.
Finish with more than 1M points.
Finish with more than 2M points.
Finish with more than 5M points.
Finish with more than 10M points.
Complete two goals at once.
Complete three goals at once.
Complete four goals at once.
Complete five goals at once.
Complete all six goals at once.
Medals Earned: 4/8 (25/185 points)
Play the game
Play as Redcon
Finish a level and enter the item room
Play as Pigeon
Talk to Shackler
Defeat the first boss
Defeat Chef Allison B.
Medals Earned: 9/50 (55/500 points)
Lose 1 life
Lose 10 lives
Run out of Lives
Throw 10 Water Balloons
Throw 100 Water Balloons
Defeat 10 Snails
Enter The Canyons
Beat Canyons I
Collect All The Coins (Canyons I)
Lose 100 Lives
Throw 1000 Water Balloons
Defeat 100 Snails
Defeat 10 Worms
Defeat 100 Worms
Defeat 10 Candle Kids
Defeat 100 Candle Kids
Beat Canyons II
Beat Canyons III
Collect All The Coins (Canyons II)
Collect All The Coins (Canyons III)
Beat Canyons I (Without Dying)
Beat Canyons II (Without Dying)
Beat Canyons III (Without Dying)
Enter The Worm Caves
Beat Worm Caves I
Beat Worm Caves II
Beat Worm Caves III
Collect All The Coins (Worm Caves I)
Collect All The Coins (Worm Caves II)
Collect All The Coins (Worm Caves III)
Beat Worm Caves I (Without Dying)
Beat Worm Caves II (Without Dying)
Beat Worm Caves III (Without Dying)
Beat Lava Land I
Beat Lava Land II
Beat Lava Land III
Collect All The Coins (Lava Land I)
Collect All The Coins (Lava Land II)
Collect All The Coins (Lava Land III)
Beat Lava Land I (Without Dying)
Beat Lava Land II (Without Dying)
Beat Lava Land III (Without Dying)
Beat The Game
Complete Speedrun Mode in less than 10 minutes
Medals Earned: 9/45 (55/1,440 points)
Add an Orchard to the Farm.
Get the Backpack.
Build the Storehouse.
Defeat a Boar.
Build the Smelter.
Build the Farm.
Build the Hut.
Build the Kitchen.
Build the Workshop.
Build a structure with a Blueprint.
Build the Market.
Build the Power Plant.
Defeat a Wyrm.
Catch an Electric Eel.
Build the Dock.
Build the Laboratory.
Activate the Forge.
Now what do I do with it?
Build the Elevator.
Buy a Super Pack.
Build the Factory.
Build the Wyrm Pen.
Add a Pen to the Farm.
Cook a Pizza.
Defeat a Golem.
Mine a Diamond.
Defeat a Diode Wolf.
Activate the Synthesizer.
Read all the Logs.
Chop down a Purple Tree.
Install a full set of Cyborg gear.
Obtain a full set of dragon equipment.
Fly on a Dragon.
Capture a spirit of every element.
Hatch a Dragon from a Cocoon.
Solve the Bandit problem.
Upgrade your character with 500 or more Skill Points.
Defeat the Wyrm Queen.
Build a Boat.
Defeat the Old One.
Successfully Confront the Mirrows.
Defeat the Golemech.
Medals Earned: 3/4 (175/200 points)
The Hatter seems Madder.
Escape Jail and Trigger the Strange Device.
You must have left a positive impression on the hatter.
Medals Earned: 1/4 (25/95 points)
Beat the Game
The more thoughtful problem solver.
The more aggressive problem solver.
Medals Earned: 18/30 (150/500 points)
Welcome to Asslevania!
Reach level 2.
Don't skip the intro.
Follow me at NEWGROUNDS!
Check out!
Follow me on Twitter, so I don't have to shut up!
What a pile of buffalo diarrhea!
Welcome back!
Check out Sexual-Lobster's page.
Check out RicePirate's page.
Check out JohnnyUtah's page.
Reach level 3
It takes a lick'n...
...and keeps on whip'n.
Eat a pork chop!
Find the 1st hidden song.
Make the haunted hallway more creepy.
Watch the whole ending.
Don't skip the meeting with Johnny and Dracula.
Reach level 4.
Find Alucard.
Get a little head.
Thats where I left that!
Never alone...
Beat Time Trial in less than 3 mins.
Beat Dracula!
Reach level 5.
Medals Earned: 1/23 (5/500 points)
"I'm so glad you're here. Now we can work together and MY LEGS!!"
Kill your creator.
See title.
Defeat a master of combat.
Exorcise a demon.
Complete the game with Salad Fingers.
Complete the game as Tom.
Complete the game as Trudy.
Complete the game with Cuboy.
Complete the game with Pico.
Complete the game with the Madness guy.
Complete the game with Edd Egg.
Complete the game as Strawberry Clock.
Medals Earned: 4/5 (100/125 points)
You Freaking Idiot
Eliminate An Enemy Team
Lose The Gulag
Win The Gulag
Get Sniped By A Camper